Stephanie Willerth
University of Victoria
Stephanie is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Victoria where she served as the founding coordinator of the undergraduate Biomedical Engineering program. She also is the Acting Director of the Centre for Biomedical Research, and a Principal Investigator at ICORD. She obtained S.B. degrees in biology and chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her M.S. and Ph.D. in biomedical engineering were completed at Washington University and she pursued her NIH supported Post-Doctoral Fellowship in bioengineering at the University of California.
Stephanie’s lab uses stem cell-based bioengineering to address significant biological problems in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Her group determines how to reproducibly engineer neural tissue by combining pluripotent stem cells, controlled drug delivery and biomaterial scaffolds for engineering neural tissue. Her research develops engineered tissues suitable for transplantation in the human nervous system for treatment of diseases like Parkinson’s or to repair damaged tissue found in the spinal cord.