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Join STAT for a three-part digital event series covering the race for new medicines that will impact Covid-19.
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The pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus has shut down countries around the world. One of society’s biggest hopes is that treatments or even vaccines can be developed.
Join STAT for a three-part digital event series covering the race for new medicines that will impact Covid-19. The audience will be joined by executives from companies leading the way in developing treatments, who will come prepared to answer tough questions. They’ll discuss current findings, clinical trials, and efforts to expedite approvals as we face this global pandemic.
This series will take place on Zoom, an interactive platform where attendees will be able to not only see the discussions live, but also participate by asking questions during the event. Access to the event is free. Access to the Zoom platform is limited to the first 1,000 attendees; any additional attendees will be able to watch the conversation in real-time via a live stream on STAT’s website.
Schedule: Please note, dates and times are subject to change as the story evolves.
Part 3: Vaccines. Can they come soon enough? May 6, 2020 at 1PM EST
Tal Zaks, chief medical officer, Moderna
Matt Herper, senior writer, medicine, and editorial director of events, STAT

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