Cell competition during reprogramming gives rise to dominant clones
Shakiba, N., Fahmy, A., Jayakumaran, G., McGibbon, S., David, L., Trcka, D., Elbaz, J., Puri, M.C., Nagy, A., van der Kooy, D., Goyal, S., Wrana, J.L., Zandstra, P.W. Cell competition during reprogramming gives rise to dominant clones. View abstract.
Join Dr. John Dick from Princess Margaret Wednesday, November 6, 2019 12:00pm to 1:00pm Gordon & Leslie Diamond Family Theatre
BC CANCER RESEARCH SEMINAR SERIES presents the Dr. Chew Wei Memorial Prize Lecture on “Stem Cells Play A Role In Leukemia From The Beginning To The End” by Dr. John Dick, MD Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network and Professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, McEwen Stem Cell Institute, Co-Leader, Acute Leukemia-Translational Research Initiative, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto