Dr. Fabio Rossi and Dr. Judy Illes: A consensus is building on how to move forward on stem cells (Repost)

2018-11-04T00:00:00-07:00November 4th, 2018|Categories: News, Newsletter, Press|Tags: , , |

This is a re-post of the Op-Ed published in the Vancouver Sun, written by Dr. Fabio Rossi & Dr. Judy Illes (Updated: October 10, 2018) We collectively propose the formation of a stem cell provider registry program, in which those who enroll certify that they will adhere to the fundamental medical and ethical principles and values we describe. The registry would likely have to focus on the most common treatments, for example musculoskeletal health as a start. On Sept. 26, a small group representing both these communities from Canada and the U.S., as well as the government, gathered in Vancouver to [...]